오늘의 영어

목동민병철어학원ㅣ오늘의 영어듣기 Jeju Island

목동BCM 2024. 10. 24. 10:21

목동민병철어학원에서 공부할 오늘의 영어듣기는 Jeju Island 입니다.

잘 따라서 공부하고 계시죠? 우선 스크립트 독해부터 해보시고 올려드리는 동영상으로 

자막과 함께 들어보시고 마무리는 자막없이 듣기 공부!

스크립트 독해


Hi, James. Where will you go for this summer vacation?



Maybe I will go to Jeju island with my wife.

Maybe: 아마



That sounds very fun! What do you want to do in Jeju island?

sound + 형용사: 형용사하게 들린다



I wanna swim and have nice local foods in Jeju. Have you ever been to Jeju island?

wanna(구어체) + 동사: 동사하고 싶다.

Have you ever been to + 장소: 장소에 가본적이 있습니까?



Yes. I went there a long time ago when I was six or seven. But I still remember the trip. I went there with my family. We rode horses and swam. Also we went hiking on Halla mountain.

still: 아직도



Can you tell me more about Halla mountain?



I know that Halla mountain is the tallest mountain in South Korea. And it was a volcano in the past. The volcanic activity stopped many years ago. So you can see a lake on the top of Halla mountain.

volcano: 화산

volcanic: 화산의

activity: 활동



How long did it take to go up to the top of the mountain?

top: 정상



It took more than ten hours.



Did you have fun?



Yes. I could see many beautiful trees and flowers. Hiking was hard. I was very tired.



What did you do after the hiking? Did you eat or drink something?



I drank rice wine with my friends. In Korea, people drink rice wine with Korean style pancake called Jeon after hiking.



Oh! I have drunk Korean rice wine before. The color was cloudy and the taste was sweet and sour. But rice wine gave me a huge hangover. I couldnt wake up until eleven in the morning.

have p.p.(과거분사): p.p. 해봤다

cloudy: 흐린

sour: 시큼한

huge: 큰

hangover: 숙취



Yes, me too. There were three of us. We drank six bottle of rice wine. After that day, we had to throw up. It was a terrible moment.

terrible: 끔찍한

moment: 순간



Wait a minute. I thought you went to Jeju island when you were seven.



Oh! I was confused. I also went to Jeju island seven months ago with my college friends. We stayed at a guest house and partied hard.

confused: 헷갈린

hard: 열심히



Yes. I visited Jeju island before I entered military service. I was very sad to go to military. So I drank a lot in a guest house.

military service: 군복무



Is it fun to stay in guest house? I have never been there...



Yes. You can meet many random people in guest house. They usually talk about everything because they wont see you again. So I heard many crazy stories.

random: 무작위의



That sounds interesting. Did you hook up with someone?

hook up: 누군가와 만나 친근한 관계로 발전하다 (보통 연인으로써...)



No. I am not interested in that kind of thing. But I drank soju, vodka, beer and other things at once. I had to throw up many times.

interested in + 명사: 명사에 흥미가 있는

throw up: 토하다



Anyway, what did you do other than partying?



I went Ma-ra-do. It is the southernmost island in Korea. You can take a ship to get there. The water there was so clear. I could see many fish from the boat. Also, I went fishing and caught huge mackerel.

southernmost: 최남단의

mackerel: 고등어



I love mackerel. I always eat frozen mackerel. I just need to defrost and grill with frying pan. It only takes five minutes!

frozen: 냉동의

defrost: 해동하다

grill: 굽다 (석쇠, 불판으로...)



Yea. Fishing was dangerous. We had a big wave at that time. I was seasick. But we caught many fish and made it sashimi. Fresh fish is the best ingredient for sashimi. We drank soju on the boat. That made me dizzier. What a day!

Fishing: 낚시

wave: 파도

sashimi: 회

ingredient: (특히 요리 등의) 재료[성분]



Yeah. I didnt take a boat but I have taken a submarine in Udo. That is a small island near Jeju island. Submarine was a little bit scary. I was scared of an accident. But nothing happened. I could see fish and under the water. It was an amazing experience.

submarine: 잠수함

scared of + 명사: 명사가 두려운

happen: (특히 계획하지 않은 일이) 있다[발생하다/벌어지다]

experience: 경험



Is Udo nice to visit? I have never been there.



Oh. I rode a horse there. Plus, it is a really beautiful island. Landscape there is really pretty. It only takes two or three hours to look around. I recommend the place to everyone.

look around: 구경하다



Well, I have to visit there next time. Maybe my wife will like that place. I am gonna ask her. Dinner is almost ready so I have to go back to my house. See you next time Emma. I hope you have a nice summer vacation.



See you have fun in Jeju Island. And dont forget to bring me some gift. I like tangerine a lot. Bye!

tangerine: 귤


▼아래의 이미지를 클릭하세요 ▼

Speaking Questions


1. When did you visit Jeju island?





2. What did you see in Jeju island?





3. What did you eat in Jeju island?





4. Who did you go to Jeju island with?





5. Will you visit Jeju again?





6. How long did you stay in Jeju island last time?




Writing Question


When was the last time you visited Jeju island? What did you do and see over there? Tell me everything you did on Jeju island last time.

(15문장 이상





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