오늘의 영어

목동영어회화 민병철어학원목동 ㅣ 영어듣기공부

목동BCM 2024. 11. 4. 10:37

목동영어회화 민병철어학원 목동입니다:)

오늘의 영어듣기공부 같이해요!!

오늘의 주제는

Everything is expensive!


영어 스크립트 독해

Everything is expensive!



 M: Do you know how much an apple is?

★ how much + 주어 + be동사: 주어가 얼마인지?

★ how much + be동사 + 주어: 주어가 얼마입니까?


F: I think an apple is over five thousand won.

over: ...이상

under: ...이하


M: Wow, it is really expensive. An apple was two thousand won last year. Do you know why apple got really expensive?

★ why + 주어 + 동사: 왜 주어가 동사하는 지

★ why + <do/does/did/will> + 주어 + 일반동사: 왜 주어가 일반동사하나요?

예문: Why do you like me? (당신은 왜 저를 좋아하나요?)

★ why + <be동사> + 주어 + 보어: 왜 주어가 보어하나요?

예문: Why are you sick? (당신은 왜 아픈가요?)


F: This summer was really hot. The temperature went over thirty five degrees everyday.

temperature: 온도


M: This years summer was very long and hot. I am glad that the weather got cooler after Chuseok.


F: What gift did you prepare for Chuseok?

★ What/which + 명사 + <do/does/did/will> + 주어 + 동사: 무슨/어떤 명사를 주어는 동사하나요?


M: I bought fruits for Chuseok. I had to spend a lot of money because fruits were more expensive than last year.

★ have to + 동사: 동사해야 한다


F: What kind of fruits did you buy?


M: I bought apples, melons, and pears.


F: How many apples did you buy?

★ How many 명사 ...?: 명사 몇 개...?

예문: How many countries did you travel? (당신은 몇 개국을 여행했나요?)


M: I bought four apples.


F: So that is total twenty thousand won.


M: Yes. It was so expensive. But taste of the apples was delicious.


F: For whom did you buy the apples?

For whom: 누구를 위해...


M: I bought the apples for my parents.


F: How was the taste?


M: The apples were very sweet. I think apple got sweeter this year because of hot temperature. You know, the hotter weather gets, the sweeter fruits get.


F: Sure. Did you eat anything else?

anything else:그 밖에 또 무엇인가


M: My mom prepared many foods such as Korean traditional dishes. But my mother told me that she had to think a lot before buying fruits and vegetables because of the price.

prepare: 준비하다


F: Yes. I am having hard time to buy grocery. Everything is expensive. I went to supermarket to buy cabbage. But the cabbage was really expensive. Now I am worrying about how to make Kimchi. Kimchi season is coming and I will have to spend a lot of money!

have hard time to + 동사: 동사하는데 어려움을 겪다


M: I love fruits. But now I have to think before buying fruits. If I buy fruits without thinking, I will spend a lot of money. I think meats are cheaper than fruits. Are you a meat lover?

★ without + 명사: 명사...없이

★ with + 명사: 명사...을 써서


F: Yes. I love meat. I like meat more than fruit. Nutty taste of pork belly is more delicious than sweetness of fruit. But pork belly is expensive too. When I was young, people went for pork belly when they dont have enough money. But it is over 15,000 won per one portion! This is madness!

nutty: 견과 맛이 나는

★ enough: 충분한, 충분하게

M: Surprisingly beef got cheaper. Twenty years ago people had beef only on a special occasion. I remember my father took us to Korean barbecue restaurant on my birthday. Now we can find many different beefs from other countries. Beef got relatively cheap because Korea is importing beef from American and Australia.

occasion: (어떤 일이 일어나는 특정한) 때[기회/경우]

relatively: 비교적


F: We are importing pork belly too. But demand for pork belly is so high that supply cannot catch up with the demand. When I ask my co-workers about menu for company dinner, they always want to have pork belly with soju.

demand: 수요

supply: 공급

catch up with + 명사: 명사를 따라잡다

co-worker: (직장)동료


M: Soju is expensive too. Soju is five thousand won if you drink that in a restaurant. So I am drinking Soju at home alone! I have many empty Soju bottles in my house. I made a Christmas tree with Soju bottels. You should visit my house someday. This Christmas tree is really beautiful.


F: Wait... You drink Soju alone at home? I think you should see a doctor. Drinking alone at home is a sign of becoming an alcoholic. I am worrying about you.


M: Well... I want to drink Soju outside but everything is expensive outside. I am so sad that Soju got expensive. Soju was a friend of ordinary people.

outside: 밖에서, 외부의

ordinary: 평범한


F: Yes same as pork belly, apple and Soju. Everything is leaving us. Now we have to eat ramen without Kimchi. I want to leave this country.


M: Our wage is same for many years but price is getting expensive. What should we do?

wage: 임금


F: We must work harder. If we want to leave this country, we have to learn English harder. Therefore we must study and work harder! Life is tough but that is how it is.


Speaking Question


1. What is your favorite fruit? How often do you eat that? Where do you buy that?




2. When was the last time you ate out? Where did you go? How much did you spent? Was the food delicious?




3. How do you save money? Where do you spend most of your money the most?




4. Do you drink soju? How often do you drink? Where do you usually drink soju?





5. Which restaurant will you go next? What do you want to eat? Why do you want to go there?





6. Do you know how to barbecue? How often and when do you eat Korean barbecue?




Writing Question

When was the last time you ate out? Where did you go? How much did you spent? Was the food delicious?

(10문장 이상 작성해보세요!)















