오늘의 영어


목동BCM 2024. 10. 14. 11:19

안녕하세요:) 오늘 목동민병철어학원에서 공부할 영어듣기는 초급레벨로

아래의 내용을 독해해보시고 이미지를 클릭하셔서 듣기 공부 함께 진행해보세요!



Today, we are going to talk about sugar.

be going to 동사원형: 동사할 것이다.

-> will과 마찬가지로 be going to도 미래를 나타낼 때 사용할 수 있다. <be going to>가 좀 더 확실한 계획을 말할 때 사용할 수 있다.


We use sugar everyday.

We just love sweet taste.

We put sugar in coffee, food and use sugar when we make candy and sweets.

when + 주어 + 동사: 주어가 동사할 때

-> <...할 때> <when + 주어 + 동사> 구조로 말할 수 있다. 본문장의 뒤에 when절이 따라올 수 있다.

예문: I watch TV when I cook. (저는 요리를 할 때 티비를 봅니다.)


It is hard to find some food or beverage without sugar.

it is 형용사 to 동사: 동사하는 것은 형용사하다

예문: It is difficult to study English alone. (혼자 영어를 공부하는 것은 어렵습니다.)

without + 명사: 명사없이

Katie, what can you think when you think of sugar?



When I think about sugar, I think of candy, chocolate and many other sweet things.

And sweet taste is one of my favorites!

I love dessert.

I go to cafe to eat dessert.

to 동사: 동사하려고...

-> to 부정사를 이용해서 본동사의 목적을 설명할 수 있다.

예문: I study English to travel. (저는 여행하려고 영어를 배웁니다.)


Sometimes, I dont drink coffee but I always eat dessert.

but + 주어 + 동사: 주어가 동사하지만...

-> but을 이용해서 <그러나, 하지만>이란 표현을 할 수 있다.

예문: I like you but we have to break up. (저는 당신을 좋아하지만 우리는 헤어져야 합니다.)

Jim, do you also like dessert or sweets?



Yea. I like sweet things.

But I dont eat sweet things as much as you do.

I dont buy candies or chocolates.

When someone gives me sweets, I dont reject it.

reject: 거절하다, 거부하다


But I never buy sweets or dessert.

never: 결코[절대/한 번도] 않다

-> never은 긍정문과 함께 쓰인다.

예문: You never study. (여러분(you는 복수도 가능하다)을 절대 공부를 하지 않습니다.)


Even though I dont like sweet stuff, I have to agree that there are so many foods made out of sugar.

agree: 동의하다

made out of: ...으로 만들어진


When I see cooking YouTube, I always see people using sugar in every dish.

I was surprised by the amount of sugar.

amount of: ...의 양


Do you use a lot of sugar when you cook?


Of course!

Food tastes bad if I dont use sugar.

taste 형용사: 형용사한 맛이 나는

-> taste, feel, look, sound, smell과 같이 감각을 나타내는 동사 다음에 바로 형용사가 올 수 있다.


I like to make Tteokbokki and I cannot imagine Tteokbokki without sugar.

imagine: 상상하다


Without sugar, Tteokbokki tastes bad.

But nowadays, I try to avoid sugar.

nowadays: 요즘

try to: 동사하려고 (노력)한다

avoid: 피하다


I am trying to use different sweeteners instead of sugar because if you take too much sugar, it will make you fat!

instead of + 명사: 명사,...대신에

I heard using less sugar helps you to decrease blood pressure.

less: 더 적은

decrease: 줄이다



Every delicious food is bad for health like fried and greasy food.

But I wonder where did sugar come from?

I know it is impossible to grow sugarcane in Korea.

impossible: 불가능한



Sugar is made out of sugarcane.

Sugarcane is from South Asia or Southeast Asia.

People mostly use sugarcane to make sugar.

mostly: 주로, 일반적으로


Juice from sugarcane is used to make sugar.



First, you have to squeeze sugarcane to produce juice.

squeeze: 짜다

produce: 생산하다


Next, you have to concentrate this juice to produce sugar.

concentrate: 집중하다, 농축하다


When you concentrate sugar, you have to heat this up and this is very dangerous process.

process: 과정, 가공하다


When the liquid evaporates, you will see pure sugar.

evaporate: 증발하다



This is interesting.

And I know that sugar was really expensive in the past.

in the past: 과거에


Only rich people could use sugar.

Sometimes, these people made a cake solely with sugar.

solely: 오로지


And they poured sugar when they made foods to show off their wealth.

show off: 자랑하다



Yes, Europeans built many plantations around Caribbean islands such as Haiti.

To produce sugar, they imported a lot of slaves from Africa because these islands were fit to grow sugarcane.

import: 수출하다 <-> export: 수입하다

fit: 적합한, (모양·크기가 어떤 사람·사물에) 맞다

So many people died because of sugar.

Sugar is sweet but there is a sad story behind of it.



Also, sugar makes you gain weight too!

gain weight: 살이 찌다


If you eat too much dessert or chocolate, you gain weight fast.

This is common sense.

common sense: 상식


So when I was young, my parents didnt give me candy or chocolate because these sweets are very addictive.

addictive: 중독성이 있는

Plus, I didnt like to brush my teeth.

I had to see a dentist one day because of cavity.

cavity: 충치


Toothache is horrible!

Toothache: 치통



Poor Jim...

So dont forget to brush your teeth after drinking coke or eating sweet stuff.

forget: 잊다


And be careful of sweet stuff.

It is addictive if you eat these everyday.

And too much sugar is not good for your health.

Sugar can give you cavity and make you fat.

주어 + make + 대상 + 형용사: 주어가 대상을 형용사하게 만들다

예문: You make me happy. (당신은 저를 행복하게 합니다.)


We know that sugar can be dangerous.

But we cannot avoid sugar.

We eat McDonald even though we know it is not good for health, right?

even though + 주어 + 동사: 주어가 동사함에도 불구하고...

-> Even if는 일어나지 않은 상황을 가정할 때, even though는 일어난 상황이나 사실임에도 불구하고라는 표현을 할 때 쓰인다.

예문1: I failed the test even though I studied hard. (저는 열심히 공부했음에도 불구하고 시험에 떨어졌습니다.) (사실: 열심히 공부함)

예문2: You have to be kind to people even if you are rich. (당신이 부자일지라도 사람들에게 친절해야 합니다.) (가정: 당신이 부자일 지라도)


Im gonna have some nice tea time with my friends.

gonna + 동사: 동사할 것이다

-> gonna going to의 구어체이다. 쓰기에서는 쓰이지 않는다.

See you next time!

Speaking Questions


1. What kind of taste do you like? What food has the taste? How often do you eat the food?





2. When do you use and eat sugar?





3. What happen to our body if we eat too much sugar?





4. Do you drink zero coke? Do you think regular coke is tastier than zero coke? If you do, why do you drink zero coke? Or do you prefer pepsi?





5. Do you agree that Korean food is getting sweeter and saltier?





6. Do you like dessert? What kind of things do you eat or drink with some dessert?





Writing Question

Do you like dessert? What kind of things do you eat or drink with some dessert? Do you think sweet foods are not healthy? How often do you drink coffee? Where do you usually drink coffee?

