[영어듣기] 민병철어학원 목동 기초영어회화 Galaxy 24 vs iPhone 16
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기초영어회화 스크립트 독해
Galaxy 24 vs iPhone 16
There are many different types of smart-phone in the market.
Even though there are many cheaper models, Samsung and Apple are leading smart-phone industry.
The newest model of Samsung is Galaxy 24 and for Apple, it is iPhone 16.
I'm going to compare thes two models today.
First price.
For Galxy 24, 256 gigabyte model is 1,155,000 won and 512 gigabyte is 1,298,000 won.
For iPhone 16, 256 gigabyte domel is 1,400,000 won and for 512 gigabyte, it is 1,700,000 won.
In Korea, iPhone 16 was released on September 20th, 2024.
But Samsung Galaxy 24 was released on January 31 st, 2024.
These two models also have payment function.
It is possible to use Apple Pay with new iPhone.
Apple Pay was not available in Korea for many years but is was launched on March 21st last year.
So I an expecting more people to but iPhone.
Also Samsung Pay is available for new Galaxy phone.
Samsung Pay has been available since the phone was launched.
Apple iPhone uses I.O.S. system which is different from Android 13.
So if you have been using iPhone, I don't recommend you to swith to Galaxy because user interfaces are totally different.
There are advantage and disadvantages of both phones.
First is is more expensive to repair iPhone in Korea compared to Galaxy.
Mos of parts of iPhone are manufactured outside of Korea.
Since shipping cost of these parts are added, repairing iPhone is more expensive tha fixing Galaxy.
Most parts of Galaxy phone are produced in Korea so there is no tariff.
And since these parts are made in Korea, it is faster to supply these parts when they are needed.
For colors, Galaxy has 4 color options, which are black, grey, gold, and purple.
But iPhone has 5 colors, which are green, pink, blue, shite and black.
Now I want to introduce about weight.
Samsung Galaxy 24 is 167 grams and iPhone 16 is 170 grams.
So iPhone is 3 grams heavier than Galaxy.
And iPhone can run around 10 hours to 14 hours without charging.
In contrast, Galaxy can run minimum 13 hours.
So for battery-wise, Samsung Galaxy is more superior than iPhone.
According to report, 28.92 million Samsung Galaxy 24 have beeb sold.
I had tried to find how many iPhone 16 have been sold but there was no enough data so I couldn't answer this question.
There are many different types of smart-phones in the market.
★ There are many + 복수명사: 명사들이 많다
Even though there are many cheaper models, Samsung and Apple are leading smart-phone industry.
★ Even though vs even if
1) even though:... 임에도 (사실임에도 불구하고)
2) even if:... 일지라도 (가정, 사실이 아님)
The newest model of Samsung is Galaxy 24 and for Apple, it is iPhone 16.
newest: 가장 최신의
★ 최상급
1) 모음 2개 이하 -> 형용사 + est
2) 모음 3개 이상 -> the most + 형용사
I’m going to compare these two models today.
★ be동사(현재) going to + 동사원형: 동사할 것이다...
★ be동사(과거) going to + 동사원형: 동사하려고 했었다.
compare: 비교하다
First price.
For Galaxy 24, 256 gigabyte model is 1,155,000 won and 512 gigabyte is 1,298,000 won.
For iPhone 16, 256 gigabyte model is 1,400,000 won and for 512 gigabyte, it is 1,700,000 won.
In Korea, iPhone 16 was released on September 20th, 2024.
released: 출시된
★날짜... 에
1) at + 시간
2) on + 날/주
3) in + 달/년
But Samsung Galaxy 24 was released on January 31st, 2024.
These two models also have payment function.
It is possible to use Apple Pay with new iPhone.
It is possible to 동사: 동사하는 것이 가능하다
Apple Pay was not available in Korea for many years but it was launched on March 21st last year.
available: 구할 [이용할] 수 있는
launch: (상품을) 출시[출간]하다
So I am expecting more people to buy iPhone.
Also Samsung Pay is available for new Galaxy phone.
Samsung Pay has been available since the phone was launched.
★ has been + 형용사: 형용사 해왔다
-> 어떠한 시간의 길이 동안 <형용사>해왔다는 <have been 형용사> 구조를 사용해서 표현할 수 있다.
Apple iPhone uses I.O.S. system which is different from Android 14.
different from + 명사: 명사와 다른
So if you have been using iPhone, I don’t recommend you to switch to Galaxy because user interfaces are totally different.
★ have been 동사 ing: 동사해오고 있는 중이다
There are advantages and disadvantages of both phones.
advantage: 장점
disadvantage: 단점
First it is more expensive to repair iPhone in Korea compared to Galaxy.
compared to + 명사: 명사와 비교해서...
Most of parts of iPhone are manufactured outside of Korea.
manufacture: 제조하다
Since shipping cost of these parts are added, repairing iPhone is more expensive than fixing Galaxy.
Most parts of Galaxy phone are produced in Korea so there is no tariff.
tariff: 관세
And since these parts are made in Korea, it is faster to supply these parts when they are needed.
supply: 공급하다
For colors, Galaxy has 4 color options, which are black, grey, gold, and purple.
But iPhone has 5 colors, which are green, pink, blue, white and black.
Now I want to introduce about weight.
Samsung Galaxy 24 is 167 grams and iPhone 16 is 170 grams.
So iPhone is 3 grams heavier than Galaxy.
★ 얼마나 더 형용사한지 + 비교급
-> 몇 배나 얼마나 더 형용사한 지는 비교급 앞에 표현할 수 있다.
And iPhone can run around 10 hours to 14 hours without charging.
run: 작동[기능]하다; 작동시키다, 기능하게 하다
In contrast, Galaxy can run minimum 13 hours.
In contrast: 그와 반해서
So for battery-wise, Samsung Galaxy is more superior than iPhone.
명사-wise: 명사에 관해선...
According to report, 28.92 million Samsung Galaxy 24 have been sold.
According to + 명사: 명사에 따르면...
I had tried to find how many iPhone 16 have been sold but there was no enough data so I couldn’t answer this question.

Speaking Questions
1. What smartphone do you have? Why did you choose the model?
2. Do you agree with kids having smartphones? Why or why not?
3. What do you like most about your smartphone?
4. What is your favorite app on your phone, and why?
5. How do you usually communicate with your friends using your smartphone? Do you text or call?
6. How did you call your family or friends before having a cellphone?
Writing Question
What is your favorite app on your phone, and why? When do you use that?
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